March 22, 2024

Towards Sustainable Urban Regions: Transfers in Sino-German Collaborations

Regional Conference · Tongji University Shanghai
Beiyang3 Testing

Within the framework of SURE, two Sino-German research projects, URA & IMECOGIP and the SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project, are organising a regional conference at Tongji University, Shanghai. This event aims to transfer approaches of Sino-German cooperation, facilitate knowledge exchange, promote international collaboration and disseminate valuable insights into sustainable urban development. The esteemed Tongji University will host the event, specifically the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) with the CDHK, Sino-German Research Centre for Sustainable City and Associate Professor Dr.-Ing. Dong Nannan, local coordinator of the IMECOGIP Project within the SURE funding initiative.

Programme (for more information please download the PDF)

Morning Session: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech

Venue: The Bell Auditorium, CAUP, Tongji University (Point A)

9:00 Welcome and Introduction
- Prof. Dr. Jörg R. Nönnig, Hafencity University Hamburg
- Prof. Dr. Yuan Feng, Tongji University

9:15 Keynotes: Transfers in Sino-German Collaboration
- Dr. Sigrun Abels, Technische Universität Berlin
- Associate Prof. Dr. Liu Kan, Tongji University

9:45 Project presentations: Sino-German Collaboration in Sustainable Urban and Rural Development
- Laura Henneke, Technische Universität Berlin, and Dr. Huang Huang, Tongji University: “Urban-Rural Assembly: Developing sustainable territorial planning approaches in China and Germany” – URA
- Prof. Dr. Harald Zepp, Ruhr University Bochum: „Implementation of the Concept of Ecosystem Services in the Planning of Green Infrastructure“ – IMECOGIP
- Magali Menant, Constellations (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.: “How to transfer from science to policy“
- Associate Prof. Dr. Yi Xin, Southeast University: “Sino-German knowledge exchange in urban planning and development education, cases from Southeast University in Nanjing”

10:45 Coffee Break

11:00 Panel Discussion: International Collaboration – Good Practices and Lessons Learned
- Prof. Dr. Zhao Min, Tongji University
- Prof. Dr. Yang Guiqing, Tongji University
- Prof. Dr. Liu Jian, Tsinghua University
- Prof. Dr. Anke Hagemann, Technische Universität Berlin
- Prof. Dr. Harald Zepp, Ruhr University Bochum
- Magali Menant, Constellations (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
- Dr. Andrea Palmioli, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

12:00 Lunch Break

Afternoon Parallel Session: Workshop

Venue: 3F, Chinesisch-Deutsches Innovationslabor (CDI), CDHK, Tongji University (Point C)

13:30 Parallel Sessions 1
Workshop A: Eco-Governance and Eco-Restoration in China (facilitated by IMECOGIP)
Workshop B: Collaborative Planning Approaches in China and Germany: Ways to go forward? (facilitated by URA)

15:00 Tea Break

15:15 Parallel Sessions 2
Workshop A: Implementing the Ecosystem Services Concept in Chinese Spatial and Landscape Planning (facilitated by IMECOGIP project)
Workshop B: URA - Formats and Instruments of Science-policy Transfer in Sustainable Urban Development (facilitated by URA)

16:45 Tea Break

17:00 Plenary Discussion: Transfers from Science to Practice - Takeaways from the Parallel Sessions
- Associate Prof. Dr. DONG Nannan,Tongji University

17:50 Closing Remarks
- Dr. Jan Harder, CDHK, Tongji University
- Prof. Dr. Jörg R. Noennig, Hafencity University Hamburg

18:00 End of the event